Spring Forward!
This past weekend most of us in the United States set our clocks forward by 1 hour, losing an hour of our day. While "Daylight savings" was originally created to help farmers, it makes little sense to continue to observe this tradition. What's more is that it is hard on our bodies and brains! Just because we set the clock forward or back doesn't mean that our bodies absorb this unnatural give and take of an hour. Most of us end up losing an hour of sleep, which we can ill afford. Here are some ways to help your body deal with the change. Try to go to bed a little earlier. If you aren't tired, build some exercise into your day - perhaps during lunch or right after work. Do something relaxing before bed like take a hot bath with relaxing essential oils or read if that makes you sleepy. Turn off your blue light devices and your television and computer an hour before bedtime. Try it for a week and see if you are able to drift off to sleep more easily. Try a cup of chammomile or passionflower tea or some warm milk. Listen to a guided meditation tape or to one of the many yoga nidra recordings on youtube. In addition, try to eat lighter now that we are entering the Spring season (It's always best to eat seasonally), and don't eat past 7:30pm. It will be easier on your digestion and help you sleep better. Maybe even take a walk after your evening meal if possible. For ideas on what's in season and how to help your body transition from Winter to Spring, check out Dr. John Douillard's March Seasonal Eating Guide here: https://lifespa.com/3seasondietchallenge/march-seasonal-guide/?inf_contact_key=fac6c00d29b252211401338ef32c81ca0ae506b6f462fb1cfec92ff2b199586c A short morning asana practice could also help to get you moving. Try an enlivening 20-minute heart-opening practice with mild back bending, and 5-10 minutes of pranayama with a focus on brahmana breath. For more information or a personalized practice, see my blog on creating a home practice (https://www.shiningwatersyoga.com/single-post/2017/07/02/Building-a-Home-Yoga-Practice), or check out my short Spring wake-up practice video on my Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/ShiningWatersYoga/! I hope these suggestions help your body to adjust to the time change more quickly!