International Yoga Day
The United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga on Dec 11, 2014. On Dec 11, India's Permanent Representative introduced the draft resolution in UNGA. Hence, June 21, 2015 was the first International Day of Yoga.
The practice of Yoga is over 5,000 years old. It is more than simply a form of exercise. The practice of yoga itself has branched into many forms and fads in the United States, but the true, dedicated practice of Yoga unites us with our True Self. As my teacher, Dr. Ananda said, "If it doesn't Empower you, it isn't yoga." This ancient practice of Yoga and her sister science, Ayurveda connect us to all life and the 5 elements that exist both around us and within us: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, giving us a greater understanding of how all beings are connected and interdependent. As our climate changes, it is more important now than ever to understand this connection between humans and the world around us.
“Even if we read a thousand books on oceanography or on maritime adventures, we cannot really understand the ocean unless we jump into the water ourselves and get wet…The situation is similar in regard to the ocean of Yoga. We can learn many facts about Yoga, but they will give us only an external view of it. In order to truly understand Yoga, we must engage its living reality and allow it to teach us.” - Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. 1947-2012 excerpted from The Path of Yoga We are living at a time when it has become expedient that each and every one of us realize our own human potential to create change on this Earth. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness serve as pathways to Consciousness. By following a path of compassion and non-violence - By turning our gaze inward to connect with our own inherent Divinity, we realize that we are all connected. Not one race over another - Not one society over another- but each interdependent - and what affects one person, affects us all. The tools of Yoga can also help us in these stressful times to manage our stress, anxiety and grief.
India's Prime Minister said of Yoga, "By changing our lifestyle and creating Consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change." Join us for a FREE Family Friendly celebration of yoga in Salisbury at the Wicomico Library, Downtown Branch this Friday, June 21 at 10:30am. Class is FREE, but please register online so we know how many to expect: (Click on the calendar item to register).
Bring a mat or join us on the carpet! Namaste!